Friday 23 June 2017

New Census Data Coming Soon !

 Dr Andrew Taylor

Bring on the New Data!
Here at demographyNorth we are poised with tables at hand ready for the new (2016) Census data, with the first release on June 27. The first lot of data will enable us to look at changes in population sizes, gender balances, age structures, migrants, languages and a range of other items for towns and cities across northern Australia.

Just some of the questions we are looking at are:
  • Which places are growing, which are not and why?
  • What's happening with Indigenous residents and communities?
  • How has the profile of non-resident workers changed? (Particularly for Darwin)
  • What might impacts from population ageing across the north be?

Of course we want to compare and contrast changes within northern Australia and to elsewhere in Australia (and in some cases overseas).

Based on 2011 Census data, this chart shows the gender balance and relative size for individual sectors of the NT's public service workforce compared to the rest of Australia. We used this information to understand workforce ageing in the Territory and consider what policies might be devised for transitioning to an older workforce.
Data Quality
But first, we're keen to assess the quality of data for the Northern Territory given the negative publicity about the Census website at the time of the Census. We'll also get new population estimates backdated to 2011 and adjusted for net Census undercount. These are largely an 'unknown' and there it's possible these estimates can differ to the prior published ones. Another big issue in remote Australia is the high level of non-response to some questions. 

We'll be providing commentary and research analysis on all of these issues and more during the second half of the year. In the meantime, if you've got a population question you think we can help answer, feel free to leave a comment below and we'll do our best to look into it.

There's lots more information on Census data releases and how it can be applied to building knowledge on our communities and economies here on the Australian Bureau of Statistics website

Happy Censusing everyone!


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